Assisted living facilities are the home to around one million senior adults across the country. As one can imagine, these facilities face innumerable challenges. They care for many seniors with different types of needs in varying degrees of intensity.
We at Security Alarm believe that every security system is unique and should be specifically designed to meet the needs and culture of each location.
Access Control
Quick access to areas throughout long term facilities is vital for healthcare professionals. Many rooms that house medication, equipment, private records, etc need to be easily accessible, yet only for authorized personnel. It is important that residents always feel “at home” in the facility and feel that they can move about freely.
However, it is equally essential that they are kept safe and out of harm’s way as they enjoy their home. Access control is the solution. Installing card readers at every “high risk” area or room, ensures that authorized personnel have quick access, and eliminates potential issues with visitors and residents. It also is a superior solution to keys, in that cards can be de-activated when lost or replaced.
Video Surveillance
The number of businesses and facilities that have camera systems in 2017 is staggering. Almost everyone can find a need for them within their day to day lives. Nursing homes are no exception and probably need surveillance more than anyone else. Often daily life at these facilities is extremely dynamic.
Most employees probably wish for an extra pair of hands and an extra set of eyes in order to keep up with the demands of a normal shift. From wandering residents and curious visitors, to dangerous intruders, video surveillance can make all the difference. It grants peace of mind to employees that realize there are eyes other than their own, keeping the residents safe.
Panic Buttons

In order to meet these needs, Security Alarm could equip each apartment with a mobile panic button which would be pressed in both emergency and non-emergency situations. The press of the button, could (if so desired) sound an alarm within the building alerting staff to an issue.
Keypads could then be strategically placed throughout the building allowing employees fast access in order to silence the alarm.
Emergency Text Notification
One of the unique features of our call system is the text notification option. Designated cell phones should remain on site for the use of CNAs. When a button is pressed from a resident’s room a text is immediately sent to all cell phones giving the apt number of the alert.
Panic Buttons are useful in that often when CNAs are in a room handling another situation, they fail to hear the alarm sounding. Having the text feature ensures that CNAs are always aware of the situations within the building and can get there in appropriate length of time.
State of the Art Technology
Many older assisted living facilities simply have stationary, emergency pull cords. Though there is nothing wrong with pull chords, they are limiting in that if someone falls they have to crawl to an access point. With our system the resident carries a mobile button and therefore greatly reduces the possibility of failing to receive help in time of need.
Learn More About Security Systems for Nursing Homes
Security Alarm installs systems at countless different types of facilities, but there is something that feels especially rewarding about designing a unique system that focuses on the needs of the elderly.
Knowing that we are taking our knowledge and expertise of security and using it to give them a greater level of protection, gives a feeling fulfillment. Contact us or give us a call at 618-548-5768 and let us know if we can help you.