Not every business has a fire escape plan, but they all should. Every person should know exactly where and what to do in the event of a fire. There should be no questions left unanswered. No one should think, “Where do we meet if there’s a fire?” or “How do I get out of my office if the hall is in flames?”. There should be answers to these hypothetical situations and peace in the mind of employees. That is why it is important for businesses to have a fire action plan in case one breaks out an your office or place of employment.

How to Create a Fire Plan:
- Gather people in the office and make a plan.
- Spread out a floor plan of the office and mark two possible exits out of each room. This allows for an alternate exit route should one passage become blocked.
- Mark on the map where doors, windows, exits, and fire extinguishers are. Also, with arrows mark the direction people should go when exiting.
- It is important for all employees to understand the escape plan. When doing a walkthrough of the plan, ensure the routes marked on the map are free and clear and that the doors and windows needed for escape can be easily opened.
- Make sure to choose an outside meeting place that is a safe distance from your business. This location is where people should congregate once they have escaped. One meeting location makes indentifying missing people easier. Finally, make sure to mark the location of the meeting place on your escape plan.
- Ensure that doors with security bars have an emergency release button so that people are not trapped inside. (we at Security Alarm can install these)
- Be fully prepared for a real fire: when the Fire Alarm System sounds, immediately exit. Don’t wonder if it is a “real” fire. GET OUT!
- Once you get out, you need to stay out! You should never go back into a burning building. If someone is missing, make the fire department aware when you call to report the fire. Firefighters are trained to rescue, you’re not.
- Finally PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, your plan.
There is something safe and secure about knowing exactly what to do in a terrible situation. You’re employees will thank you, and you will thank yourself when the pandemonium is lessened.
Want more information on Fire Protection for your business? Check out our other blogs on this topic:
- Workplace Fire Prevention Steps
- Commercial Fire Alarm Systems
- Commercial Fire Sprinkler System
- Fire Alarm Monitoring