Panic Alarm Systems for Hospitals Posted on October 25, 2021 by Joy Dice
Every hospital wants to provide a safe environment for employees and patients. Peace of mind and personal safety should be paramount in a healthcare environment. Unfortunately, however, threats to life, safety, and security can crop up anywhere.
Emergency departments, psychiatric departments dealing with mental health issues, and geriatric facilities are at higher risk for assaults when compared to other healthcare environments.
In every hospital, there is a chance that an angry or unstable patient, distraught family member, someone experiencing mental or emotional distress, a thief or intruder will cause or threaten violence in the establishment. Installation of panic alarms can be an effective security solution for hospitals who want to mitigate risk and danger to employees, patients, and their families.
While we typically think about fire alarms when we think about security alert systems, there are in fact other options available to healthcare facilities to keep everyone safe. Here are some basics about panic alarm systems and how they work in medical settings.